About Us

My History

Mr. Eaton is a eighteen year veteran to teaching. As a graduate of Fordham University and City College, Mr. Eaton has been committed to the education and development of America’s youth. Whether through Study Tour Programs, Global Explorers Programs, Office Hours or mentoring, Mr. Eaton believes in the nurturing and development of the complete student–social, emotional, and academic.

My Method

Mr. Eaton’s teaching methodology is centered on the belief that if educators demand excellence and provide students with the right tools and instruction, then every student can be successful. With collaboration and support from Parents and the School Community, Mr. Eaton believes that students can be motivated and encouraged to learn, develop, and grow.

Classroom Locations

For the Fall 2013 to Spring 2014 school year Mr. Eaton will be teaching in room 413. His teaching schedule is posted on the door along with the schedule for his office hours.

Office Hours

Mr. Eaton’s Office hours are every Tuesday and Thursday in room 413 from 3:08pm to 3:45pm and every Wednesday from 12:48pm to 1:30pm. During office hours students are encouraged to receive tutoring help, make up missing work, view supplemental materials, review for upcoming exams or complete Gateway projects.